How To Do A Self tape Audition - Part 4 - Editing

audition editting self tape Sep 05, 2018

Here's the transcript for this video.  Editing is so important, I hope this helps!

Melissa:            Welcome back. You made it. Part Four, How To Do A Self Tape Audition. Today we are talking about one of the most crucial elements, editing. You need to be able to send what you've just done on to casting, and Mark is going to explain it to you.

Marc:               File size is crucial. I've even read from certain casting directors that they won't accept files that are over the size recommended, and the reasons could range from that they don't want to take forever downloading them, because they might be viewing it on their smartphones, or a website that your audition videos are being hosted on that may have certain restrictions. So, let's take you through editing, very quickly. Now, the only cuts you'll be making is at the very beginning or the end of...

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How To Do A Self tape Audition - Part 3 - Setting Up Your Shot

audition self tape Aug 29, 2018

As actors it is our job to audition.  Sometimes we are faced with challenging scenarios.  It can be difficult to know what to do in these situations.  If we do too much of the action it can look weird in an on camera audition.  Sometimes there are so many other characters in the scene, we're not sure where to look.  Other times we might be in a setting like a car or lying down in bed.

In this video we show you some simple tricks to overcome these challenges and look like a pro while doing it.  You can use these tips in your self tape auditions as well as in person auditions.  One thing to keep in mind is imagining how the shot will be set up on set.  Imagine what your close up might look like.  Take into account the angle the camera will most likely be shooting from and go from there. 

It's a little difficult to explain in writing, so watch the video to get an idea.  Then, on your next audition let your imagination go and allow...

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How To Do A Self Tape Audition - Part 2 using a reader, background and framing


Below is the transcript for part two of my interview at Jive Duck Studios.  Check back next week for part three.  It'll be  a fun one!

Melissa:            Welcome back. It is part two of how to do a self-tape audition. I'm here at Jive Duck Studios in Burbank, California, to my left is Dante Swain and behind the camera is Marc Fajardo. I'm Melissa Schumacher and today we're talking about using a reader and setting up your shot. All right. Dante, tell us what are some tips to help out your reader when going into the studio?

Dante:              Well, I would say most importantly, make sure that the reader is well aware of all of the instructions. Certain casting directors can be very particular about the do's and the don'ts with their casting. So make sure that the reader is well aware of that to help them help you. With that being said, don't be...

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